Emma L. Baysal
Associate ProfessorAreas of Interest: Prehistory, Material Culture and Archaeological Theory
Email: emma.baysal@bilkent.edu.tr
Office: H-145

Julian Bennett
ProfessorAreas of Interest: Roman Archaeology
Email: bennett@bilkent.edu.tr
Office: H-130A
N. Ilgi Gerçek
Assistant ProfessorAreas of Interest: Ancient Near Eastern Languages
& History, Latin
Email: ilgigercek@bilkent.edu.tr
Office: H-143
Michele Massa
Assistant ProfessorAreas of Interest: Near Eastern & Anatolian Bronze and Iron Age Archaeology
Email: mmassa@bilkent.edu.tr
Office: H-155
Bert Smith
Visiting ProfessorAreas of Interest: Greek & Roman art,
Archaeology of Anatolian Cities
Director of Aphrodisias excavations
Email: roland.smith@bilkent.edu.tr
Office: T-277
Peter Talloen
Assistant Professor and Department ChairAreas of Interest: Greek & Roman Archaeology,
Late antique & Byzantine,
Director of Sagalassos excavations
Email: peter.talloen@bilkent.edu.tr
Office: H-133
Luca Zavagno
Associate Professor(on sabbatical 2024-2025 academic year)
Areas of Interest: Byzantine Studies
Director of Parnassos Project
Email: luca.zavagno@bilkent.edu.tr
Office: A-329
Thomas Zimmermann
Associate ProfessorAreas of Interest: European and Anatolian Prehistory,
Ancient Metallurgy, Warfare Archaeology,
Human Evolution, Cultural Morphology
Email: zimmer@bilkent.edu.tr
Office: H-152
Tuğba Şardan
Administrative AssistantEmail: sardan@bilkent.edu.tr
Phone: +90 312 290 1934
Office: H-149A