N. Ilgi Gerçek studied Archaeology and History of Art at Bilkent University (2005), and obtained her MA and PhD degrees in Hittite and Mesopotamian Studies from the University of Michigan (2012). Her professional affiliations include a postdoctoral research fellowship at the University of Copenhagen, as well as research and teaching positions at the Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, and the Istanbul University Department of Hittitology. She is interested in the social and political history of Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age and has written on imperialism, frontiers, and identity in Hittite Anatolia. Her forthcoming monograph concerns the Hittite Empire’s interactions with groups called “Kaska” in the empire’s northern frontier zone. She joined the Department of Archaeology in 2016 and teaches ancient Near Eastern history and languages (Hittite, Akkadian, Sumerian)

Research Interests

Ancient Near Eastern Languages and History, Latin

CV is available here