Master of Arts Theses Completed


Sena Göksu Kolaylı, From Paganism to Piety: Tracing the Christianization Process in the Southern Black Sea (Supervisor: Luca Zavagno)


Özkan Atmış, Repatriation both Ways: A Theoretical Approach to the Repatriation Policies of Turkey through Case Studies (Supervisor: Dominique Kassab Tezgör)

Recep Can Mert, Sacred Spaces in Ancient Greece and Anatolia: Architectural Insights and Sensory Journeys of Eleusis and Klaros (Supervisor: Julian Bennett)

Yiğit Pekzeren, No Rose Without Thorns: Assessing 3D Scanning Methods in Archaeology through Case Studies from Ḫattuša (Supervisor: Michele Massa)

M. Ali Akman, Quantitative Approaches to Hittite Historical Geography: A Network Analysis of Hittite Toponyms (Supervisors: N.İlgi Gerçek, Michele Massa) *Winner of the Kalbiye Tansel ve Çiğdem Barçan Tansel Thesis Award**


Ece Alper, The Ptolemaic Presence outside Egypt: Material Evidence (Supervisor: Charles Gates)

Sena Baskın, LBA I Ceramics from Kinet Höyük Period 15. A Statistical Assessment of the Cross-Regional Standardization of Hittite Ceramics in Late Bronze Age Anatolia (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)


Ege Dağbaşı, Foreigners and Foreignness in Hittite Anatolia (Supervisor: N. İlgi Gerçek)

Seren Mendeş, Managing Intangible Cultural Heritage in Turkey: Four Cases Originating in Antiquity (Supervisor: Dominique Kassab Tezgör)

Beril Özbaş, The Socio-political Structure of Western Anatolia during the (L)BA (Supervisor: N. İlgi Gerçek)

Dilara Uçar Sarıyıldız, Changing Perceptions of Sculptural Polychromy in Europe: From Ancient Greece to the 21st Century (Supervisor: Dominique Kassab Tezgör)


Defne Dedeoğlu, Green Museums: An Introduction and a Possible Implementation in Ankara (Supervisor: Dominique Kassab Tezgör)

Yaprak Kısmet Okur, Phoenicians in Cilicia during the Middle Iron Age: The Scope of their Presence (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)


Joseph Salvatore Aversano, The Mother of Gods from Right Here: The Goddess Meter in her Central Anatolian Contexts (Supervisor: Charles Gates) **2018-19 Kalbiye Tansel ve Çiğdem Barçan Tansel Thesis Award**

Mustafa Umut Dulun, Persian Period Tombs in Western Anatolia as Reflections of Social and Political Change (Supervisor: Charles Gates)

Bahattin İpek, Figural Motifs on Halaf Pottery: An Iconographical Study of Late Neolithic Society in Northern Mesopotamia (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Tuğçe Köseoğlu, A Phytolith Study from Kinet Höyük, Hatay (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Roslyn Sorensen, Rural Administration in Hittite Anatolia (Supervisor: N. İlgi Gerçek)


Zeynep Akkuzu, The Late Iron Age Pottery from Kaman-Kalehöyük (Supervisor: Dominique Kassab Tezgör)

Elif Nurcan Aktaş, Palaeolithic Research in Anatolia: History, Problems and Perspectives (Supervisor: Thomas Zimmermann)

Şakir Can, Continuity and Change: An Annales Approach to the Late Chalcolithic Period in North Mesopotamia (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Emre Dalkılıç, Middle Bronze Age Cyprus Inter-site Relationships: A Social Network Analysis Approach (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Çağdaş Özdoğan, The Initial State for Early Bronze Age Cyprus: Metallurgy of the Philia Culture from a Maritime Cross-cultural Perspective (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Rida Arif Siddiqui, Community Archaeology in Pakistan: Three Sites in Gandhara as a Case Study (Supervisor: Dominique Kassab Tezgör)


Andrew K. Beard, A Group of Seven Column Capitals from Roman Ancyra: A Unique Composite Style (Supervisor: Julian Bennett)

Nurcan Küçükarslan, Middle Iron Age Pottery from Yassıhöyük (Kırşehir): A Central Anatolian Assemblage (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)


Hande Köpürlüoğlu, Hittite Rock Reliefs in Southeastern Anatolia as a Religious Manifestation of the Late Bronze and Iron Ages (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Katarzyna Kuncewicz, Figural Anatolian Stamp Seals from Three Assyrian Colony Period Sites: Karahöyük-Konya, Acemhöyük and Kültepe (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Selim Yıldız, Hellenistic Settlement in Smooth Cilicia (Cilicia Pedias) (Supervisor: Charles Gates)


Humberto DeLuigi, A Winter in the Land of Rum: Komnenian Defenses Against the Turks in Western Anatolia (Supervisor: Charles Gates)

Thomas Moore, Old Hittite Polychrome Relief Vases and the Assertion of Kingship in 16th century BCE Anatolia (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)


Leyla Yorulmaz, A Forgotten Borderland: The Upper Tigris between Septimius Severus and Anastasius I (Supervisor: Julian Bennett)


Sevilay Hacıbekiroğulları Oruç, Harbor Settlement Patterns of the Second Millennium BC in Cilicia and the Amuq (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Heves Sökeli, Ceramic Workshops in Hellenistic and Roman Anatolia: Production Characteristics and Regional Comparisons (Supervisors: Jacques Morin & Dominique Kassab Tezgör)


Burak Arcan, Early Bronze Age Daggers in Central Anatolia (Supervisor: Thomas Zimmermann)

Deniz A. Enverova, The Transition from Bronze Age to Iron Age in the Aegean: a Heterarchical Approach (Supervisor: Jacques Morin)

Ayşen Girit, Male Nudity in Ancient Mesopotamian Art (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)


Fevzi Volkan Güngördü, Obsidian, Trade and Society in the Central Anatolian Neolithic (Supervisor: Thomas Zimmermann)

Müge Durusu Tanrıöver, The Transition from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age in the Upper Euphrates and the Amuq: A Study of Settlement Patterns (Supervisor: İlknur Özgen)

Polat Ulusoy, Burial Customs of Clazomenae in the Iron Age (1100-500 BC) (Supervisor: Charles Gates)


Mehmet Kutlu, Seljuk Caravanserais in the Vicinity of Denizli: Han-abad (Çardakhan) and Akhan (Supervisor: Charles Gates)


Mert Çatalbaş, Evaluating the Oylum Höyük MBA Painted Ware within the Framework of the Syro-Cilician, Levantine, and Khabur Painted Ceramic Cultures (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Filiz Tütüncü, The Land of Beautiful Horses: Stables in Middle Byzantine Settlements of Cappadocia (Supervisor: Charles Gates)


Banu Ahibay, Theoretical Approaches in Turkish Archaeology (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Erica Hughes, Absolute and Relative Dating of Hallan Çemi Tepesi (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Pınar Kuşseven, The Cult of Iupiter Dolichenus: Origins and Iconography (Supervisor: Julian Bennett)

Amir H. Soudipour, An Architectural and Conceptual Analysis of Mesopotamian Temples from the Ubaid to the Old Babylonian Period (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Evren Türkmenoğlu, Late Byzantine Ships and Shipping (Supervisor: Charles Gates)

Ayşegül Vural, Geophysical Exploration of Kinet Höyük: A Comparison of the Magnetic Survey with the Excavation Results (Supervisor: Jacques Morin)


Aslı Candaş, The Kakasbos/Herakles Cult: A Study of its Origins, Diffusion and Possible Syncretisms (Supervisor: Jacques Morin)

Esra Çayır, The Study of the Concept of the Sacred Hearth and Greek Goddess of the Hearth and their Association with the Prytaneion, its Origins, and its Development (Supervisor: Jacques Morin)

Bozena Radovan Kabatiarova, Ugaritic Seal Metamorphoses as a Reflection of the Hittite Administration and the Egyptian Influence in the Late Bronze Age in Western Syria (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)


Ezgi Akpınar, Hellenistic and Roman Settlement Patterns in the Plain of Issus and the Amanus Range (Supervisor: Jacques Morin)

Damjan Donev, St. Erasmus (Lychnid) and St. Thecla (Seleucia): A Study of Two Early Christian Cultic Centers (Supervisor: Julian Bennett)

Kadriye Günaydın, Karkamis in the First Millennium B.C.: Sculpture and Propaganda (Supervisor: İlknur Özgen)

Genevieve Holdridge, Origins of Pottery Technology in the Ancient Near East (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)


İlke Aykanat Çam, Life at the Top: A Survey of Stylite Saints (Supervisors: Jean Greenhalgh and Julian Bennett)

Esen Öğüş, The Antakya Sarcophagus: Design Elements and the Chronology of the Docimeum Columnar Sarcophagi (Supervisor: Julian Bennett)

Dinç Saraç, History of Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Management in Turkey and Europe: A Look from the Past to the Present (Supervisor: Julian Bennett)

Funda Başak Uçar, Greek Influence in the Anthropomorphic Representation of Deities in Hellenized Asia: Parthia, Nemrut Dağı, and Gandhara (Supervisor: Charles Gates)


Sevil Çonka, Aspects of the Ancient Economy in West-Central Turkey in the First Millenium BC (Supervisor: Jacques Morin)

Çiğdem Toskay Evrin, Tarsus Republic Square: the Late Roman Cooking Wares (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Alev Tanyar, The Jews and Christians of Imperial Asia Minor, the Literary and Material Evidence (Supervisor: Julian Bennett)


Suna Çağaptay Arıkan, The Church at Choma (Hacımusalar, Elmalı-Antalya) and Its Materials (Supervisor: Jean Öztürk)

Spencer H. Garrett, Wine Production in Classical Asia Minor (Supervisor: Julian Bennett)

Azer Keskin, Relating Architecture to Social Complexity in the Early Bronze Age: Southeastern Anatolia (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)


Bülent Arıkan, The Neolithic of Central and Northwestern Anatolia, Thrace and its Relations with Southeastern Europe (Supervisor: Barbara Helwing)

Jason R. De’Block, The Archaeology and History of Selinus from its Origins to the Reign of Diocletian (Supervisor: Julian Bennett)

Shannon M. Haley, Caveat Emptor: The Intellectual Consequences of Undocumented Excavation, with Special Reference to Roman Period Archaeological Material from Turkey (Supervisor: Julian Bennett)


Yasemin İlseven, Elmalı Plain: A Review of its Environmental Setting and Archaeological Settlements (Supervisor: İlknur Özgen)

Ekin Kozal, The Cypro-Anatolian Connections in the Late Bronze Age (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Tuğba Tanyeri, The Nereid Monument Relief Sculptures in Review (Supervisor: İlknur Özgen)

Sercan Yandım, An Historical and Iconographical Study of a Group of Twenty Post Byzantine Icons in the Antalya Museum (Supervisor: Charles Gates)


Susan D. Cooke, The Monuments of Roman Ancyra Reviewed (Supervisor: Julian Bennett)

Günder Varinlioğlu, The Legacy of the Hippodrome at Constantinople (Supervisor: Alessandra Ricci)


Ayşe D. Atauz, Asardibi (Casara), a Classical, Hellenistic and Early Roman Harbor in the Rhodian Peraea (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)

Harun Kaya, The Byzantine Fortresses of Yoğuntaş,Keçikalesi and Pınarhisar in the Kırklareli Region (Supervisor: Alessandra Ricci)

Filiz Songu, Wave-Line Pottery from the Late Iron Age Levels of Kinet Höyük (Supervisor: Marie-Henriette Gates)