Thomas Zimmermann graduated from the University of Regensburg, where he completed his studies in Pre- and Protohistory, European Ethnology and Classical Archaeology. For his PhD project on Copper Age Daggers he was based in the Römisch Germanische Zentralmuseum Mainz. In 2003, he succumbed to oriental lure and moved to Turkey, where he is currently appointed as Associate Professor at the Department of Archaeology at Bilkent University.

His versatile research interests include science in archaeology, early metallurgy, the emergence of elites in 3rd millennium BC Asia Minor, and socio-cultural changes in Early Holocene Upper Mesopotamia. He has published and co-edited four books and numerous articles in international peer-reviewed journals. He serves as elected Bronze Age Commission member of the Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques (UISPP) and is scientific commission member of the German-Turkish Academics Society at Göttingen. That aside, he loves to accumulate mechanical timepieces and Star Wars collectibles.

Research Interests

European prehistory, Anatolian prehistory, Early metallurgy

CV is available here