Charles Gates
Charles Gates, a Classical archaeologist, taught in the Department from 1990-2022. In addition, he took part in the excavations at Kinet Höyük.

Marie-Henriette Gates
Marie-Henriette Gates, a member of the Department from 1990-2022, focused on Ancient Near Eastern archaeology. She directed excavations at the ancient harbor town of Kinet Höyük, near Dörtyol (Hatay), from 1992-2012.

Jacques Morin
Jacques Morin taught at Bilkent from 1995-2021. A specialist in Greek archaeology, he also offered courses in human evolution, archaeological theory, and ancient Greek.

İlknur Özgen
The founder of the Department of Archaeology, İlknur Özgen is a specialist in Anatolian and Greek archaeology. From 1993-2014 she directed excavations at Hacımusalar, near Elmalı, Antalya.