Dominique Kassab Tezgör received her PhD in Ancient History and Civilization from the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne and her Doctorat d’État in Classical Archaeology from the University of Dijon. She also holds two diplomas from the École du Louvre, Paris (History of Art and Museology). She is specialized in Greek and Roman art and archaeology and her research includes more specifically terracottas and amphorae, two fields on which she has published monographs, edited books and numerous articles. She has been the scientific director of the excavations of an amphorae workshop in Sinope, on the Turkish Black Sea coast. Presently a major part of her research regards the amphorae of Sinope and of Black Sea during the Roman period and the late antiquity. She is teaching in Bilkent University where she presently serves as a chair of the Department of Archaeology and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Letters.

Research interests

Greek and Roman art and archaeology ceramics and terracottas, amphorae of Sinope and the Black Sea area

CV is available here